Saturday, March 30, 2024

The room is almost dark, but it's nowhere near creepy

It's almost dead quiet, but it's not scary in the least

It could be raining outside, or maybe it's just a soothing wind

There's so much peace in this room, that I can't help but think how hard others have it

There's a warmth that permeates this entire space, as if all is well

Maybe it is

Maybe it isn't

But there's certainly peace in this room

Is that incense?


Whatever it is, it's truly delicious

I feel like if I were to fall asleep, I'd miss out on what's around me

A sanctum sanctorum, but there's really no work to do

or at least there is no effort

It's that feeling of relief you get when you think you're going to be shipwrecked but you finally see the lighthouse

For fun, I put my ear up against the wall and pretend I can you hear you coming home

The house is dark, and since you don't see me, you call out to see if I'm here

After you say that none of the rooms have lights on, I respond that there will indeed be one

when you find where I am

You follow my voice

As soon as you walk in, the room harbors an incandescent glow

As we caress, you ask: "wait, where is the light coming from?" 

To tell the truth, I have no idea

but I only see it when we're together

and now everything is Complete

If it's a beacon, please 


Don't ever shut it off

If it's a night light

please, dear God

I beg of you

Don't ever pull it out! 

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